The Private Insurance is an extraordinary solution to solve a wide range of problems concerning the management of assets in the context of high net worth individual – HNWI, it was created with the goal of combining the services of private banking with the legal and tax advantages of a life insurance contract.
Basically the Private Insurance can be defined as an innovative form of financial engineering that allows the use of banking and insurance financial instruments, such as e.g. Unit-linked, to meet the needs of HNWI wealth management, companies and trusts, integrating sophisticated private banking and investment management with the legal and tax benefits of these financial instruments.
The Private Insurance allows to leave the partial approach that until a short time before had been used for issues relating to the conservation and management of heritage through the use of traditional solutions in private banking or life insurance policies, introducing a broader vision that encompasses the complex range of needs related to Wealth planning.
Some of the requirements that can be solved through Private Insurance are:
• Succession planning:
making it more flexible and tax favourable
• Heritage planning:
it is possible to implement any investment strategy, without limitation or restriction, these solutions can be applied not only to transferable securities but also to all other assets such as shares, stocks and private equity
• Tax optimization:
the estate is exempt from tax on capital gains for the duration of the contract; exemption becomes final in case of transmission to the beneficiary
• Heritage Protection:
Laws in countries in which Insurace Companies are based (Luxembourg, Liechtenstein) offer high protection in case of assets aggression